.:.My deepest sympathy to all the victim's families and friends who lost their loved ones today. May the USA find strength in one of the saddest and most tragic days in history! Love and support to all! ~Lillyth~ Sept. 11, 2001.:.

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Gabriel's Angels is not affiliated with TNT Network or Top Cow Productions. We are a non profit, fan oriented site run for entertainment purposes only. All orginal content, graphics, and script for the site copyright ©Lillyth 2001. (With exception to image map ©Amaya/Lillyth 2001) All fan-fiction, artwork, and other original fan contributions copyright the respective author. Lillyth can be contacted by: E-mail/ AIM: LillythLvsGab/ICQ: 47092454/ MSN: Lillythcallawathe@msn.com